Mapae Grant Award 

                                 World History Digital Education Foundation [WHDE]

                                            Korean War Legacy Foundation [KWLF]

The World History Digital Education Foundation and the Korean War Legacy Foundation are honored to have a cadre of dedicated educators sharing information about Korea and the Korean War to teachers throughout the United States. To recognize the outstanding work of these teachers, we created the Mapae Award. 

The Mapae Award is based on the medallion used by officials of the central government during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). The King’s hand-picked special officials, called “Eosa” (literally meaning the official dispatched by the King)  traveled through regional areas on public duties and primarily prosecuted corrupt officials in the provinces. In most instances, the King secretly appointed Eosa, who were often the first prize awardee in Joseon’s national civil service examination called Gwageo. Eosa were given a medal, the Mapae, which identified their special status as the King’s appointed secret prosecutor and gave them the right to conscript horses for transportation to the provinces.  Eosa with Mapae were allowed to have a special access to  saddle horses kept at government-run post stations upon presenting their Mapae medal. The bearer of the medal, which was issued by a government agency called the Sangseowon (Office of Seals and Badges), was entitled to use the number of horses carved on the badge and was typically accompanied by a station attendant who guided him to the next station approximately 16 kilometers away. The attendant returned to his home station with the horse under his charge, while the traveler continued on his journey via other stations to his final destination. 

Similar to the Joseon officials, teachers who have been awarded the medal will be provided resources, based on the number of horses on their medal, to help them share knowledge throughout the United States about Korean history, South Korea’s simultaneous rapid economic development and democratization, and the Korean War.

One Horse


  • Attend a WHDE or KWLF workshop and successfully complete all workshop requirements

Available Resources

  • Up to $500 to host a workshop for at least 12 teachers. Teachers may also propose a special project related to Korea or the Korean War.
  • Funding may be used for food, speaker honorariums, materials and/or room rental.
  • Teachers must submit a budget and be pre-approved before making any expenditure. Receipts or invoices must be produced before any payments are made.
  • NOTE: We are happy to assist in developing a workshop program.

Two Horses


  • Successfully complete a workshop or special project at the one horse level.

Available Resources

  • Up to $1000 to host a workshop for at least 15 teachers. Teachers may also propose a special project related to Korea or the Korean War.
  • Funding may be used for food, speaker honorariums, materials and/or room rental. Teachers at the two-horse level may use $250 of the grant funds as a personal honorarium.
  • Teachers must submit a budget and be pre-approved before making any expenditure. Receipts or invoices must be produced before any payments are made.
  • NOTE: We are happy to assist in developing a workshop program.

Three Horses


  • Successfully complete a workshop or special project at the two-horse level.

Available Resources

  • Up to $1500 to host a workshop for at least 20 teachers. Teachers may also propose a special project related to Korea or the Korean War.
  • Funding may be used for food, speaker honorariums, materials, room rental. Teachers at the three-horse level may use $350 of the grant funds as a personal honorarium.
  • Teachers must submit a budget and be pre-approved before making any expenditure. Receipts or invoices must be produced before any payments are made.
  • NOTE: We are happy to assist teachers in developing a workshop program.

Four Horses


  • Teachers at the four-horse level are trusted regular consultants for the foundation. All teachers at this level will go through an application and interview process.

Available Resources

  • Teachers at the four-horse level will be tasked with special projects and will be given an appropriate budget to complete all tasks.

Five Horses


  • Teachers at the five-horse level are project managers who have shown excellent leadership qualities.

Available Resources

  • Teachers at the five-horse level will develop special projects and workshops and will be given an appropriate budget to complete all tasks.
Please use this form to turn in your work log by the last day of each month.
Thank you so much for contributing a transcription to the Korean War Veterans Digital Memorial.  You are a key part of making this memorial more accessible.  
Thank you for participation in this year's conference.  Please use this form to submit your lesson plan or presentation.  You may also use this form as a place to show off all the ways you are incorporating veterans into the classroom.  We will choose teachers for the research trip to South Korea based off your submissions.

The 5th Annual World Congress of Teachers of the Korean War


The Korean War Legacy Foundation is honored to partner with the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, R.O.K, to host the 2024 World Congress of Teachers in Cambridge, UK. Dignitaries from the UK and Republic of Korea will join teachers from all twenty-two United Nations countries that participated in the Korean War to share ideas on how the War and its legacy can be taught in the classroom. A special area of focus will be on the UK’s Korean War curriculum book published in 2020. The World Congress is an opportunity to recognize the sacrifice of Korean War veterans and the importance of studying the War’s legacy in our schools.

The programs will include:

  • Keynote speech by Minister KANG Jung-ai of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs of South Korea
  • Sessions on the UK Korean War curriculum book published in partnership with the Historical Association UK
  • Sessions on curricular books that have been completed in the US and Canada as well as new projects in New Zealand and Türkiye
  • Panel discussion with UK Korean War veterans
  • Opportunities for sharing between participants from the 22 countries
  • Gala dinner on the evening of August 3rd to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the breakout of the Korean War


August 1-4, 2024

  • August 1st: Arrival day, evening reception TBA
  • August 2nd: Teacher workshop and group dinner
  • August 3rd: Teacher workshop and Gala Dinner
  • August 4th: Departure day


Cambridge Hilton

20 Downing Street
Cambridge, CB2 3DT, United Kingdom


Upon acceptance to the conference, a non-refundable $75 payment is required to reserve your place at the conference. Participants will receive three nights hotel, meals, and a travel stipend.


If you have any questions, please contact: Bobbie Downs at


  • You currently teach social studies or history for ages 12-18.
  • Proficient in English as all sessions will be in English
  • You currently teach a course that could include instruction on the Korean War.
  • You demonstrate a desire to learn and teach about the Korean War and its legacy.
  • You must teach in one of the 22 United Nations participating countries.
  • You have an interest in continuing the work completed at the conference through a fellowship or special project.
  • If accepted, teachers are required to type a transcript for one of our interviews or create a lesson as part of a service component of attendance.


  • A $75 USD registration fee is required upon acceptance.
  • As part of the registration, you must provide a letter from your school indicating that you are currently a history/social studies teacher.
  • A single occupancy hotel room will be provided from August 1st through August 4th. 
  • Rooms with two double beds can be requested, but not guaranteed. If you have an additional adult in your room, there is a $20 daily fee that you are responsible for.  
  • Participants are expected to attend all meals and events. Guests are not permitted to attend any program-sponsored events/meals.
  • All meals will be provided provided as follows:     
    • August 1st: Arrival day, no meals provided, evening reception TBA
    • August 2nd: Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
    • August 3rd: Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided
    • August 4th: Departure day,  breakfast



In order to participate in the World Congress, you are required to complete one of the tasks listed below.  You may complete the task before or after the event; however, you will not receive your travel reimbursement until the task is completed.

  1. Type a transcript for a Korean War Veteran interview from the archives.
  2. Write a lesson plan on the Korean War


Teachers from North America

  • Up to $1,250 reimbursement for airfare will be provided (flight).

Teachers from the UK

  • All UK teachers will receive a $300 travel stipend. No receipts are needed to receive the stipend. If driving, you are responsible for hotel parking fees.

Teachers from Continental Europe

  • Up to $350 airfare reimbursement for travel will be provided.

Teachers from Asia and Africa

  • Up to $1800 airfare reimbursement for travel will be provided.

Please take note of the following:

  • Travel will be reimbursed after the foundation task is completed.
  • All flights must be economy class.
  • When checking into the hotel, you must provide a credit card for incidental charges.
  • If driving, you are responsible for hotel parking.

Getting to Cambridge:

A train from London to Cambridge takes about 90 minutes and costs around $25 each way.


  • Participants are expected to bring a laptop.
  • Dress for all events is summer business casual for all teacher workshops. The Gala is semi-formal (jacket/tie for men, dress or suit for women). 
This form allows you to request a veteran interview for transcription.  Choose a veteran from that does not have a bio next to his/her video.  Complete this form, and we will notify you that the veteran is reserved for you.
Korean War Legacy Foundation